Expert Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Santa Fe
This article delves into how targeted adjustments and specialized therapies can bring relief to your symptoms and restore function without surgery.
The Benefits of Seeing a Sports Chiropractor for Athletes
Did you know that 90% of all world-class athletes use chiropractic care to enhance their performance and prevent injuries? The relationship between sports medicine and chiropractic care goes beyond just treating pain; it focuses on optimizing athletic performance, improving flexibility, and speeding up recovery time.
Chiropractic Care for Arthritis
In this blog post, we'll examine who is affected by arthritis, the various types of arthritis, what to expect from a chiropractor, and whether chiropractic care is an effective treatment for arthritis pain.
Spondylolisthesis Treatment with Chiropractic Care
Spondylolisthesis is a rare condition affecting the spine. Stay tuned as we look into the complexities of Spondylolisthesis, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and available treatment options to empower individuals with knowledge and resources to effectively manage this condition.
Treating Neuropathy with Chiropractic Care
In this article, we will explore how chiropractic care can benefit those suffering from neuropathy and why it goes beyond symptom management to seek out and resolve the underlying issues.
Spinal Stenosis Treatment in Santa Fe, NM
One in every two hundred people over sixty have spinal stenosis, causing pain and limiting their quality of life. If you're dealing with spinal stenosis, you may have explored various treatment options, from medications to surgery. This post dives into the intersection of chiropractic treatment and spinal stenosis.
Chiropractic Treatment for Adult Scoliosis
Welcome to our blog post on chiropractic treatment for adult scoliosis. We will explore how chiropractic plays a crucial role in managing scoliosis. By understanding the impact of adult scoliosis on the spine and highlighting the importance of specific chiropractic treatment interventions, we aim to provide valuable insights for those seeking effective solutions for this condition.
Pain Relief Using the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique
Discover a non-invasive approach to pain management with the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique. This innovative chiropractic technique utilizes the FDA and Medicare-approved Activator adjusting instrument for gentle and precise chiropractic adjustments to the spine and extremities.
Lower Back Pain in Women: Causes & Treatment
Lower back pain is among the most common conditions for which patients seek chiropractic care, especially when it is caused by spinal subluxations or a herniated lumbar disc. Low back pain is defined as pain, muscle tension, or stiffness, with or without leg pain. Chronic lower back pain can begin in childhood and continue to plague the patient throughout their life.
Opioids are Ineffective
A new study shows opioids are ineffective treatments for back and neck pain. Prescription painkillers that have hooked millions of Americans over the past two decades are no more effective at reducing neck and lower back pain than a placebo. Researchers based in Australia indicated that opioid painkillers might actually worsen pain in the long run while increasing the odds of becoming addicted.
Surgery vs Chiropractic Care
Surgery is considered a last resort for treating neck and back problems. The risks are significant, the costs are high, and the recovery is long and painful. New research has shown that Chiropractic care should be considered before surgery, and the results may surprise you.
Epidural Steroid Injection
A spinal steroid injection is one of the most common medical treatments for lower back pain, and more than 9 million injections are administered to patients every year. The treatment continues to be controversial due to a lack of studies with placebo controls and questions about the potential risks associated with steroids.
Chiropractic Care Benefits Patients with Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition that often goes unnoticed until it significantly impacts one's health. Since bone is a living tissue that replaces itself over time (your entire skeleton is replaced every ten years), bone density loss is possible. Osteoporosis occurs when the body does not produce enough new bone or the body absorbs too much existing bone. You do not feel osteoporosis happening and usually only know you have it through a bone density scan or when a weakened bone fractures and you feel pain.
Top Tips on Keeping Your Spine Aligned While Working from Home
Because of recent happenings with COVID and other socially isolating activities, many of us found ourselves working from the comfort of our own homes. Working from home, even though it appeared like a dream come true, may nevertheless cause you to suffer from back discomfort, bad posture, and muscle strain.
Chiropractic Care for Allergies
There are a number of notorious pollen allergens in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, namely juniper, chamisa, ragweed, mulberry and cedar. Ragweed blooms from August to October. During these months, you may notice some sinus irritation because of it.