Neck Pain Treatment in Santa Fe, NM
Neck pain is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and injuries. Chiropractic care is a natural and effective way to manage neck pain. By using spinal manipulation and other manual therapies, chiropractors can help to improve the function of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, reducing pain and inflammation.
Our neck, also called the cervical spine, begins at the base of the skull and contains seven small vertebrae. Incredibly, the cervical spine supports the full weight of your head, which is on average about 12 pounds. While the cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury.
Common Causes of Neck Pain
Neck pain is often the result of cumulative damage from chronic, uncorrected vertebral subluxations and underlying conditions such as herniated discs or spinal stenosis. These conditions can put pressure on the cervical nerves, leading to significant pain and discomfort. A chiropractor specializing in treating neck pain can help identify and address the underlying cause of this pain. Years of bad posture, poor muscle tone, and improper body mechanics can be contributing factors. Neck pain may be intermittent. You may think your condition is resolving itself, only to be unpleasantly surprised when the pain returns. Appropriate chiropractic intervention will correct the underlying problem and prevent it from recurring.
Do I have a pinched nerve in my neck?
Most of the pain-sensing nerves in the neck are located in the pairs of facet joints on the back side of each vertebra. These smooth, interlocking surfaces allow you to rotate your head and bend your head up and down. When these joints become locked or fixated, chronic neck pain can develop. Seeking appropriate chiropractic care can help restore proper joint motion and correct the underlying dysfunction responsible for your pain.
A more challenging issue to address is the degenerative changes resulting from neglect without appropriate chiropractic intervention. Years of uncorrected spinal problems can lead to conditions like disc herniation and bone spurs. These issues often require ongoing supportive chiropractic care for effective neck pain relief treatment.
Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique for Neck Pain
The Activator Method is one of the most
widely researched chiropractic techniques and the only instrument
adjusting technique with clinical trials to support its efficacy. The
Activator adjusting instrument provides gentle, high-speed, low-force
adjustments to the body to reduce inflammation and pain by restoring
proper articulation and alignment. Since this approach doesn’t
incorporate any high force manual adjustments, people generally find
this technique much easier to tolerate.
If you have unsuccessfully tried various other neck pain treatments, both non-chiropractic and chiropractic, you may find relief from the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique. Follow this link to find an Activator chiropractor near you who is certified to use this approach.