Your First Chiropractic Appointment

Your First Chiropractic Appointment

Chiropractic adjustments restore normal neuroarticular function to joints where subluxations are present and help your body maintain optimal health while avoiding unnecessary drugs and surgery. Before your first chiropractic appointment, there are a few things that will be helpful to know.

Be prepared to tell your chiropractor everything you can about your pain. When did your pain start? How long have you been dealing with it? Tell us when it seems to hurt most, what makes your pain better, and how do you get through an episode. Don’t be afraid to tell us everything we need to know. We’re medical professionals who understand your relief comes from the full benefit of our treatments provided to you when we’re fully informed about your condition.

After you’ve been adjusted, you’ll get the most from your treatment if you allow your body to settle into its new position. If your day is full of errands and work and stress, you’re not going to get as much out of it as if your day is calm and restful. Try to keep your day relaxing and fill it with mild activity. Stay hydrated and avoid tension that would bring your back out of alignment again. Your muscles and ligaments have been compensated for a while and and if you’re not gentle with your body, they will want to pull back into familiar patterns and positions. Avoid any activity or position that exacerbates the pain.

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