Posture Correction: Are You Developing “Text Neck?”

Text neck, like many modern afflictions, is a condition that refers to the repeated stress, pain, and injury around the neck area as a result of excessive or prolonged use of handheld devices.
This condition has been a cause for increased concern, particularly with children, who often use mobile devices more than adults. Chiropractic care is one of the most effective therapies for combating the effects of this repeated stress injury to the neck. Text neck is a growing health and lifestyle concern, given the constant increase in mobile device users. Looking down at a handheld device flexes the head and neck forward, directly affecting the spine. By tilting your head forward to a 15-degree angle, you place at least 27 pounds of weight and force on your delicate neck, and more if you increase the tilting angle. Such a posture can be extremely damaging to the neck and spine. Left untreated, you could develop conditions similar to repetitive stress or strain injury and occupational overuse syndrome to the neck. Along with neck pain, text neck can cause upper back pain, shoulder pain, thoracic kyphosis, and persistent headaches.